Mount to Ubuntu

I have this account with 50GB free space unused. As Box supports DAV, we can mount it as backup storage. Below lists the commands to get you there.

$ sudo apt-get install davfs2 #assume you don't have davfs2 installed yet
$ sudo mkdir /media/
$ mount -t davfs /media/ #you will be prompted for username and password
$ ls -l /media/ #list your folders
# sudo vi /etc/davfs2/secrets #add below line username password
$ sudo vi /etc/fstab #add below line
  LABEL=BOX.NET /media/ davfs rw,user,auto,_netdev 0 0

About rp8

Specialized in building sophisticated systems for trading & risks in commodity, exotics, commodity index & structured products. Specially interested in using open source stacks and cloud computing to build new generation of services and apps. Enjoy mountain biking & photography. github
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